

今天查邮箱时居然有封调查问卷...对方还是从Keso那找到我的 记得几乎没在那留言过...



Dear All,

Im a current research student study in the UK. My topic is about the blog in China. Im doing fieldwork at the moment. Can you please answer me some questions related to my research? If so, it would be a great help to me,especially my study. Actually I found you via Keso's blog.

Anyway, the questionnaire is attached. Please have a look and send your answers back to me whenever you feel free. Thanks very much.

BTW, you may answer either in C or E, doesn't matter, up to you, cause I can read both.

Best regards,

Dear Cola,

I'm glad that I'm a chosen one :).

I will quote your questions and answer them in the following line. Since my English is not very well, I'll try bilingual answer.

I'll be appreciated If my reply does do you a favor.

Last but not least, welcome to my blog: hcoo.blogspot.com.

Best wishes,
Huang Coo

General Research Questionnaire:

About you:

1. Do you have a personal blog? 你有个人的博客吗?
A: Yes. On http://hcoo.blogspot.com/

2. What motivates you to start and continue your blog? 是什么动机促使你开始并继续博客着?
A: just to write something about my life and thoughts down.

3. Do you frequently upupdate your blog? 你经常更新你的博客吗?
A: Not really. If I had something interesting or impressive I’ll post an entry. Usually once per month.
一般. 如果有特别有趣或者有意义的事情我就会更新. 通常是一个月一篇左右.

4. Usually, what are you talking about in your blog? 你博客的话题是什么?
A: A lot of stuffs. Most about baseball, my school life.
很多. 大多数是棒球和我的校园生活.

5. Who actually reads your blog or what audiences do you address? 一般谁读你的博客,你针对的读者群是哪些人?
A: Actually, no body reads it, lol. I would like invite my friends and classmates read it but they can’t get through the GFW(Great FireWall) since my blog is on BLOGSPOT.
其实没有人读我的博客… 我想要邀请一些朋友和同学来, 但是被GFW限制了(他们无法上Blogspot).

About Chinese Blogosphere:

1. What is your general point of view of China's blogosphere? 对于中国博客的看法?
A: I think the atmosphere is not that good. Most people just focus on those stars’ blog, such as Xu Jinglei’s (http://blog.sina.com.cn/xujinglei), which just about their daily life but nothing else.
我认为不算太好. 大多数人只关注那些那些只写鸡毛蒜皮小事的名人博客(比如徐静蕾的).

2. Who is your favorite blogger(s) in China? 有最喜欢的博客吗?
A: Bitinn(http://blog.ticktag.org/), Williamlong’s(http://www.williamlong.info/), Morikawa Blue(http://morikawablue.blogspot.com/), ACGTalk(http://www.acgtalk.com/).

3. If, you are a blog reader, what makes you post your comments? 如果你是一个读者,是什么让你在他人的博客上发表评论?
A: Sometimes if I have some different opinion. Sometimes if I am impressed.
有时候是有不同意见. 有时候是因为觉得文章很好.

4. Usually, is your post a supportive opinion or critical one? 通常来讲,你的评论持支持的观点还是驳论?
A: Both.

5. Do you think there exist leading blogs in China? 你觉得中国有那样的博客,他们的博客代表意见领袖?
A: Sorry but I don’t have a certain idea. Maybe there’s no such blog?

6. What features and elements make a blog recognizable, functional and influential in society? 是什么因素使得博客被人认可,有影响力?
A: Maybe because they can say anything without limit. And usually their reports come in the first time and they have their unique ideas.
也许是因为他们能无所顾忌的说. 而且他们的报道往往在第一时间出现,而且有不少独特的见解.

About Duku (Lao Liu), Buxu Lianxiang (Wangxiaofeng) and Keso's Playin' with IT (你是读库,不许联想还是洪波的读者?)

If you are a reader of these blogs, please tell me:

Wangxiaofeng’s and Keso’s are my must-read.

1. How long have you been a reader of it (them)? 你看他(们)的博客多长时间了?
A: For over a year.

2. How do you find it(them) and why do you choose it (them)? 你怎么发现他(们),为什么选他(们)?
A: Both through Google. Fortunately, they are my initial blog to read and I got into blog world through good blogs.

3. What's your general opinion on the blog(s)? 对他(们)的博客的基本意见?
A: Interesting. And unique.

4. According to your experience, who are the targeted readers in these blogs? 就你的感觉,他(们)吸引的是哪些读者?
A: For Wang’s, all kinds of readers. For Keso’s, a few ITers.
王小峰的是老少皆宜. 洪波的只适合一部分IT人.

5. What is your favorite article(s) and and why? 你最喜欢他(们)的那些作品,为什么?
A: Almost all of their articles.

7. Do you think these blogs can be regarded as a special “circuit of culture” in China? 你认为他(们)的博客代表中国的文化圈吗?
A: No.

8. Imaging that, taking an example, if it's your turn to manage the blog(s), will you do something different from the author? 如果让你来写或编,会有什么不同于他(们)的地方吗?
A: Perpahps completely different. Because they have special styles. I haven’t found any blog that is even a bit similar to theirs.
大概会完全不同. 他们的风格太特别了. 我甚至没见过任何一个博客和他们类似的.

Many thanks for your co-operation.
